Instructions, examples, and more information:
Choose one of the tabs below and follow the instructions for your selected input method.
Paste an LED layout copied from Google Sheets or other spreadsheet in tab-delimited text format, with a unique LED index in each cell. LED indices should start at zero. Cells without an LED should be empty.
Paste coordinates copied from Google Sheets or other spreadsheet in tab-delimited text format. It should have three columns: index, x, and y, with or without column headers.
Paste data from your Pixelblaze Mapper tab or Image mapper in JSON format. It should have one array of [x,y] per LED, all in an array: [[x1,y1],[x2,y2],...] Whitespace does not matter.
Browse to an image or photo, then click to mark all the LEDs in the order they're wired physically. The Pixelblaze Map tab will be updated with the results.
Adjust the map's center coordinates, if needed.
Copy and paste this into your Arduino sketch for FastLED. Here's an example sketch.
Copy and paste this into your Pixelblaze Mapper tab.
FastLED Code
Input parameters: i (LED index), offset (incrementing counter), coordsX, coordsY, angles, radii (number arrays)
return CHSV(hue, sat, val), CRGB(r, g, b), ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, index), or any CSS color

Parsed Layout:
Parsed Coordinates:
Parsed Pixelblaze: